Last week Friday, another circuit14 trackrace was organised by A.V.G.M Michaëlis in Best. As most Gauls still have a special connection with Best <3 (for the newbies; last year we trained in Best for about 13 months while our track in Eindhoven was being renovated), a lot of purple showed up.
Wing and Marvin did a nifty 100m sprint. Lorens and Harry competed in the 400m, where Lorens just barely managed to beat Harry with 0.7 seconds finishing in 55,75 (both impressive!).
Niek, Ramon, Adomas and Michiel ran the 1500m. Niek and Adomas showed that they are in shape, after both finishing in 4:29. Ramon started a bit too slow but ended up running with a group. Due to the slow start, he had enough energy to do a 300m sprint leaving the group he was running with staggered. He managed to finish in 4:40 (next time maybe run with Niek and Adomas??). Michiels ankle seems to be recovering steadily, and he ended up finishing just shy of 6 minutes!
Harry did not feel like going home after running the fairly short 400m, so he and Willem impulsively decided to join the 3000m Steeple chase. Willem had been practising the hurdles, but did not practise the river enough resulting in him losing a couple of seconds with each pass of the river. Harry is a veteran on the 400m hurdles (which he is coincidentally running this Sunday) which meant that the hurdles weren’t a massive obstacle. Willem and Harry ended up finishing in 11:22 and 11:47 respectively.
Matthijs preferred jumping in a more vertical direction, which he did in the high jump. He managed to jump to a height of 1:75m!