New Members speed date and quest

Last Thursday Gauls got to know each other better. The previous and current chairman Casper and Finn filled the evening with activities for a group of 30 new and less new members.

Helped by conversation starters, a free drink and candle light everyone had a first introduction to each other during the speed dates in the canteen. A few conclusions from the conversation starters were: 74% prefers sweet pancake toppings, most like something active combined with food or drinks as a first date, turn on is mostly humor and turn off smoking and finally the dream date of most present Gauls was a long distance runner. Luckily the Eindhoven marathon is already next weekend.

After these great conversation starters it was time for some involuntary team building. A quest along the Dommel and Karpendonkse plassen became a race against the sunset. Questions about the length and age of the board members pointed the teams to their next location.

Despite mistakes about Britt her length everyone arrived at the next two tasks, film a famous movie scene and draw some purple slogans. Special editions of the Joker and Forrest Gump were made. A few highlights of slogans can be seen below:

During the monthly drink at the Kix with more than 50 Gauls it was time for the award ceremony. Team the Purple Pyramid won! See the group picture of the winning team below.

By Finn