With 87 participants we’re proud to announce that the 2021 edition of the Dommelloop was a huge success.
As last year, the Dommelloop committee set out the 2.5k course on the TU/e campus. All participants chose a race distance (2.5, 5 or 10k), chose their own start moment (between the 29th of March and the 4th of April) and recorded their run with a GPS tracker.
Weather cannot be accepted as an excuse for not doing well this year as there was so much to choose from! In one week we experienced all 4 seasons. The week started off with nice standard spring weather: sunny and just below 20 degrees. On Tuesday and Wednesday it suddenly became summer with the temperature reaching 26 degrees. Thursday it cooled down a bit (autumn?) and on Friday, Saturday, Sunday it was winter again… There were no real preferences for weather conditions, as an equal amount of runners ran on Wednesday as on Sunday.
Around 70% of the participants were non-Asterix runners, perhaps preparing for the online Batavierenrace, testing their own physical condition, or just making room for all the chocolate Easter eggs they were going to consume during Easter at the end of the Dommelloop week.
The non-Asterix participants were members of one of the 13 associations: Tamar, Team Energy, W.S.V. Simon Stevin, ESBV Samourais, Ilyeo, ESAC, E.S.V.V. Pusphaira, DAV Kronos, KOers, Squadra Veloce, E.S.R. Thêta, E.S.T.C. Twist, and ESSF.
One association in particular stood out the most: the taekwondo association Ilyeo. They showed us that besides punching and kicking they can run a whole lot of kilometers. In total they ran 43 rounds which equals to 107.5 kilometers!!
Perhaps no surprise: of all the 14 participating associations, Asterix had the fastest runners. Some managed to run a new PB (thanks to the pacers in Kipchoge formation). Others took their time due to injury (and probably took part for a chance to win one of the cool prizes that would be randomly distributed among the participants).
The fastest men and women can be seen on the right. The full results are emailed to all participants.

Thanks to all runners and associations for participating, and for Sock & Sock for sponsoring one of the prizes! Hopefully next year the real ‘offline’ event can be held again.