Last Thursday, the Dommelloop took place! Organized by our very own Dommelloop committee, the event turned out to be a great success! The preparations were disrupted a bit by the weather forecast: the KNMI had put out a code yellow for the 31st of March, starting at 22:00. Not knowing entirely if the Dommelloop could take place, the committee decided …
Dommelloop 2021
With 87 participants we’re proud to announce that the 2021 edition of the Dommelloop was a huge success. As last year, the Dommelloop committee set out the 2.5k course on the TU/e campus. All participants chose a race distance (2.5, 5 or 10k), chose their own start moment (between the 29th of March and the 4th of April) and recorded …
Online Dommelloop
New Pb’s, lactic acid and enthusiast athletes. The online 2020 Dommelloop had it al. Starting Monday 28th September runners had a week to run 1 to 4 laps on the TUe campus. 4 lucky participants could win some nice prizes provided by Sportplein Eindhoven and Ronnor. Runners could be seen racing in all conditions. Some runners ran early in the …
Dommelloop 2019
NederlandsEnglishOp 4 april vond weer de jaarlijkse Dommelloop plaats op het TU/e terrein. Dit is een wedstrijd georganiseerd door leden van Asterix waarbij deelnemers 5 kilometer, 10 kilometer of een relay van 4 x 2,5 kilometer kunnen lopen. Er was ook een leuke kidsrun van 800 meter gepland, maar helaas waren er hier geen deelnemers voor waardoor deze niet is …