NSK Meerkamp 2024

Last weekend, our friends from Dodeka in Delft organized the NSK Meerkamp! And of course, we went there with a lot of Gauls to participate but also to volunteer! In this year’s NSK Meerkamp, a new event was added: the so-called Minderkamp (sometimes also called the intermediate meerkamp or kneusjesmeerkamp). For the men, this would entail throwing the shotput with …

NSK Cross 2024

Last Saturday, the first NSK of 2024 took place in Maastricht: the NSK Cross! A big group of Gauls journeyed to Maastricht for the first NSK organized by Uros in over 10 years! The first event of the day was the Short Cross. Unlike what the name would suggest, this cross was anything but short: the distance was a massive …