After an amazing day in Utrecht at the NSK Ekiden, some Gauls decided to go to the last cross of the Kempian Cross Competition: the Auwjaorscross. Even though this was already the fourth cross in March, the Gauls present were as enthusiastic as always! Anne won the short cross for the women, and Merel got third! Especially with the NSK …
NSK Ekiden 2022
Results: Uitslagen NSK Ekiden 2022 Photo album: Lars van der Valk Excellent results from our Gauls at the NSK Ekiden in Utrecht last Saturday! After securing gold medals in the relay at the NSK indoor, our athletes managed to reproduce this feat in the Ekiden. With four teams, our association was very well represented. Both the men’s first team (Asterdix) …
Joe Mann Bosloop 2022
After the great results at the competitions last week, this week the Joe Mann Bosloop in Best took place! As always with the Kempian Cross Competition, some Gauls decided to participate! Unfortunately, Finn could not participate in the long cross, because he had covid! Finn is fast, but he is unfortunately not fast enough to dodge corona. That meant that …
Dieprijtcross 2022
After an amazing day in Apeldoorn at the NSK Indoor (see the previous blog!), some crazy Gauls decided to do another competition in Eersel on Sunday. The NSK Indoor clearly took its toll: only 6 Gauls woke up early and traveled to Eersel. Finn and Carmen ran the long cross: Carmen won her race! She did not have a great …
NSK Indoor 2022
Results: – NSK Indoor 2022 – Omnisport, Apeldoorn The NSK indoors last Saturday was great. Camp Asterix was easily recognizable by the many Gauls wearing purple shirts, sweaters or singlets and by our flag and mascot. Contrary to most other associations, we managed to repel any brass attempts. Great work Gauls! Unfortunately, several Gauls were rejected based on their …
Athlete of the month: Carmen Reep
This month we celebrate our chairman of the PR committee: Carmen! It was long overdue that this Gaul got some credit. She was the secretary of the 51st board of Asterix, takes part in a lot of committees, is always enthusiastic and is our first lady at Asterix! Carmen turned 22 years old a few days ago and just finished her …
Asterix vs Parcival; the rematch
Last January, the student athletics association of Tilburg, Parcival, challenged Asterix: whose members can run the most kilometers. Asterix won! (check the post on our blog) Parcival had requested a rematch, this time in a new format: 1k time trial. The association that wins two out of three categories (fastest 5 men, fastest 5 women and highest participation rate) wins …
Asterix Cross
DutchEnglishNa een zomer vol baanwedstrijden en vele PR’s van menig Galliër beginnen de bladeren van de bomen inmiddels te verkleuren en begint te temperatuur weer te dalen. Dit kan maar één ding betekenen: Het cross seizoen staat weer voor de deur! Het cross seizoen wordt elk jaar altijd weer afgetrapt met de Asterix-cross in het Eckartse bos, vlak naast de …
Asterix Baanwedstrijd
DutchEnglishOp donderdag 23 mei was het weer tijd voor de jaarlijkse Asterix baanwedstrijd. Terwijl er vele Galliërs meehielpen met jureren, vrijwilligen en organiseren waren er ook nog een hoop Galliërs die meededen aan de wedstrijd. Marvin, Rik, Michelle en Britt deden allemaal mee aan de sprint-meerkamp, bestaande uit een 60m, 100m en 200m sprint. Alhoewel, Rik deed alleen mee aan …