Joe Mann Bosloop 2022

After the great results at the competitions last week, this week the Joe Mann Bosloop in Best took place! As always with the Kempian Cross Competition, some Gauls decided to participate! Unfortunately, Finn could not participate in the long cross, because he had covid! Finn is fast, but he is unfortunately not fast enough to dodge corona. That meant that …

Paarse Boscross 2022

Last Sunday, the first edition of our very own Paarse Boscross took place! With a great deal of Gauls either participating or volunteering, lots of purple could be found in the forest! The cross sparked some interest from Eindhovens Dagblad, who wrote a piece about it (in Dutch). See this link. With the non-competitive runners, Luc decided to join. He …

Wedertcross 2022

Last Sunday, the fourth cross of the Kempian Cross Circuit took place. As always, many Gauls decided to participate. The first event was the long cross. Casper, Finn, Lennert and Adomas participated in this race. Casper managed to win the cross! Finn came in 4th place, Lennert got 8th and Adomas got 10th. The standings are not yet updated, but …

l’Avant Sylvestrecross 2021

Last Sunday, many Gauls went to the cross country race in Reusel. In anticipation of the race, Domingos was quite excited so he made some memes. Domingos had all the reasons to be excited, because a whopping 13 Gauls decided to come and play in the mud together. To start the day off right, Finn, John and Carmen ran the …

L’Avant Sylvestrecross Reusel 2019

On Sunday 8 December Asterix took part in the L’Avant Sylvestrecross in Reusel. Some Gauls stayed at home – illness or the bad weather – but around seven Asterix members did leave their comfy beds to go to Reusel. The weather app Buienradar luckily promised no rain after 9 am. We arrived in Reusel at 9:30 … with rain coming …