NSK teams 2020

Yesterday NSK teams took place in the beautiful FBK stadium in Hengelo. We departed from Eindhoven in the SSC vans and a couple of cars, in which (to prevent Corona from spreading in the cramped car space) we all had to take and wear face masks. Thanks to Harry we departed extremely on time, arriving in the FBK stadium way …


After the Corona solo 5k and 10k, today it was time for CoronaSolo3k! It was a hot and humid day with a considerable amount of wind: not optimal racing conditions. Daan was clever and started on his 3k loop before 9am, avoiding the heat of the day. He had a fast start (first km in 3:20 min), but his loop …

Batavierenrace 2020

With a lot of rain, some illness, a lot of wind (not always bad hehe), some hills in the southernmost of the Netherlands (also not always bad), we ran a total of 300 km this weekend. Despite not being together, we managed to form a strong team and ran fast times. Some interesting facts and figures of this race: ‘Team …

NSK Indoor 2020

With the winds picking up again we once again braced ourselves for yet another storm. And with this in mind we decided to play it safe and do some racing indoors! At 8:30 (maybe a couple of minutes later, ahem) the van and a couple of cars departed from Eindhoven to the indoor track in Apeldoorn. The reason for this early …

NK Indoor 2020

The NK Indoor 2020 took place in Omnisport in Apeldoorn like every year. Three athletes of Asterix participated during this National Championship. The race started with the series 800m of the men, where Tijs participated. The winner of each of the 4 series and the 2 overall best times would qualify for the 800m finals. Although 2 disqualifications in Tijs …

Cross Country Races January 26

Joe Mann Bosloop – Best On January 26 the Joe Mann Bosloop in Best took place. During the warming-up, Tom decided not to run today, due to an injury. When the sun started to shine, also the long cross started, where Carmen and Willem started. The long cross consisted of one short lap and three long laps for the women …

New Years Dinner 2020

DutchEnglishAfgelopen vrijdag werd het nieuwe jaar ingeluid met het nieuwjaars diner in onze eigen kantine. Met de aanwezigheid van 30 frisse Galliers en 6 bestuursleden die nog aan het uitbrakken waren van hun constitutie borrel van een dag eerder zat de kantine helemaal vol. Het diner stond in het teken van de Franse keuken en werd afgetrapt met een aperitiefje …